IMCS was introduced in Tanzania in 1984 at the University of Dar Es Salaam. Then in 2006 the idea of developing statutes that serves IMCS-Tanzania was initiated due to presence and increase of other universities/higher-learning institutions in Tanzania. Some universities/higher leaning institutions in Tanzania had adopted YCS while others had formed associations different from IMCS and YCS. The spread of IMCS was not all that fast to cope with the increasing number of universities in Tanzania. As some higher leaning institutions lacked the body to bring them together decided to form their institutions which in this conference were recognized as affiliated members of IMCS Pax Romana Tanzania. The participating institutions include: Dar Es Salaam Main Campus- Mlimani, Dar Es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Ardhi University, Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (T.I.A), Tumaini University, Iringa College (TUICO), Ruaha University College (RUCO), Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE), St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) formally Nyegezi Social, Training Institute (NSTI), Bugando University College of Health Science (BUCHS), Tumaini University-Stephano Moshi Memorial College TU-SMMCO, Mzumbe University College- Mbeya branch, Tanzania Movement of Catholic Students (TMCS) of Iringa, Kilimanjaro Higher Education Catholic Organization (KIHECO) of Kilimanjaro, Mbeya Universities and Colleges Catholic Student Association (MUCCAS) of Mbeya and Dodoma Catholic Higher Leaning Organization (DOCAHILESO) of Dodoma. Efforts are under way to make sure that IMCS branches are established in all university in Tanzania, the efforts which currently resulted in the formation of the national team. With this long awaited event, the conference was held under the theme ‘COMING TOGETHER FOR OUR COMMON ROLE IN PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT’ at the University of Dar Es Salaam form the 15th to 18th of October, 2009. The conference elected leaders for the national office and enacted terms of reference which includes revision of the IMCS constitution-to make it reflect the interest of the other affiliate members and to develop a strategic plan for projects, expansion/growth, funding, thematic area to be covered by member branches (E.g. HIV/AIDS, Gender, Abortion, Poverty eradication, peace building etc) and to establish communication strategy (E.g. Blog, website, newsletters, etc).